AUTO-RÁDIO a ruminant space
Produced by Prado | co-produced by the Alkantara Festival
“Hi I am Irmã Lucia and I am listening to Rádio Ruminante!”
A mobile radio station reported exclusively on ART for 3 consecutive weeks during the 2010 edition of the Alkantara Festival. This was a space where spectator, listener and artist could meet in front of a real or virtual microphone to discover or reveal secrets, research and themes around each one of the performances on the festival’s programme.
Extended interviews with fetish artists, musical selections based on viewers requests or inspired by performances, exquisite corpses for radio, performance reviews and anti-reviews by experts from different backgrounds, viewer’s opinions, debates broadcast in LISTENERS BRAILLE, performances, and concerts. All of this on a radio station that was born and died in the most flamboyant way!
This radio station broadcast via the internet and is now available for download of sessions/programs or items that have since become historical documents in their own right.
Its anarchic form, without a programming grid, without the limitations of broadcasting schedules, or limits on the number of interviewers or presenters, allowed the Auto-Rádio to metamorphose constantly, merging with other events such as the Auto-Rádio Microphone at the Pavillion of Knowledge in Lisbon in 2010. A new version, the Mini Auto-Rádio will be launched in the near future for a younger audience.
AUTO-Rádio Alkantara devised by Patrícia Portela and Maria João Guardão, Internet Streaming/design/image: Irmã lúcia efeitos especiais, Jingle: Christoph de Boeck, Studio / Sound techician : Rudi Costa and Steven Bird, Voices: Tónan Quito, Pedro Pires and guests, Conceptual culinary programme: Rogério Nuno Costa, Chronicles – André e. Teodósio and guests, Critics: Ana Pais and guests, Production: Helena Serra and Pedro Pires, Editing/revision: Isabel Garcez
Participants: Adelino Gomes, Aida Tavares, Alex Cortez, Ana Pais, André Guedes, André e. Teodósio, Antoine Defoort, Anton Skrzypiciel, António Pinto Ribeiro, António Tagliarini, António Calpi, Bárbara Assis Pacheco, Bruno Coelho, Catarina Saraiva, Christoph de Boeck, Cláudia Jardim, Conceição Narciso, Dona Vlassova, Edit Kaldor, Elizabete Vaz, Filipe Viegas, Francisco Frazão, Gonçalo Amorim, Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins, Halory Goerger, Helena Serra, Idoia Zabaleta, Inês Menezes, Isabel garcez, Isabel Nunes Silva, Jacinto Lucas Pires, James Bode, Joana Barrios, João dos Santos Martins, João Guerra da Mata, João Pedro Rodrigues, José André, José Maria Vieira Mendes, Lívia Pereira, Luis Varatojo, Luís Ferreira Gomes, Maria João Guardão, Mark Deputter, Miguel Castro Caldas, Miguel Honrado, Miguel Loureiro, Nuno Miguel, Patrícia da Silva, Patrícia Portela, Paul Grootboom, Paula Moura Pinheiro, Paulo Condessa, Pedro Pires, Professor Jorge Salavisa, Rogério Nuno Costa, Romeu Correia, Rudi Costa. Simone Aughterloni, Sónia Batista, Sónia Campos, Stefan Kaegi, Steve Bird, Susana Duarte, Thomas Walgrave, Tiago Rodrigues, Tónan Quito, Vasco Araújo, Vasco Santos, Vera Mantero.
AUTO-Rádio Microphone devised by Patrícia Portela, Internet Streaming/design/image: Irmã lúcia efeitos especiais, Jingle: Christoph de Boeck,
Studio / Sound techician: Rudi Costa, Voices: Patrícia Portela, Tónan Quito, Pedro
Pires, Inês Nogueira and guests, Production: Helena Serra and Pedro Pires,
Edition/revision: Isabel Garcez.
Participants: Dra. Rosalia Vargas, Fátima Alves, Rogério Casanova, Herwig Turk, Carla Castiajo, Nuno Cassola Marques, Virgínia Mota, Simão Costa, Sabina Barros, Catarina Figueira, Filomena Ramalhot, Leonel Alegre, Bruno Araújo-Gomes, Joana Grego.
Radio Activa
John Cage